My youngest years were filled with the bouncing of laughter and the sway of song.

As the world around me changed so did the disappointment that echoed from within, the laughter was more jarring and shaky.

The songs were quiet and replaced with the hollowness that escapes from doubt an self-consciousness.

My growth years were loud mixed with tall and low angers that left me alone and yelling.

The outcome was brash waves of jagged metal left out in the rusty rain.

Quiet filled many years and a silence eroded away into smudged whispers of agony that eked out.

A flash a dance of growth and I was singing again.

The brown metallic flakes broke into ever smaller pieces flowing away from my breath.

The movement of air, the hint of confidence sparked like chains dragged along concrete at a hundred miles per hour.

My world halted on a suspended gasp, could this be true am I really worthy of this gift?

Little bubbles of popped air of joyful wales and eddied arms one after two then another.

Hints of black wings pushed down without notice seeping into every inhaled step that was taken.

Scratches watched and drew me out leaving me alone and defeated.

The cracks in caked walls ever wind swept bleed out the depth of my self misery.

Fierce winds blow and buffet the choking cocoon I’ve created.

I’m reluctant to tear out not trusting myself to see the morning.

Voices fill my head and surround my prison.

I can’t tell if they breath a real love of not.

Lungs burst free taking in clean air for the first time in what seems forever.

Where did I go what sounds did I miss?

I am here and looking to the blue soft sky singing once again surrounded by new and old faces.