My three daughters, my wife, and I made it into Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber here at the Shane Center in Livingston, Montana. This is one of those shows that scares people just for the fact that it touches on the life of Jesus Christ. Some friends that I’ve done a number of shows with won’t touch it. It makes them feel uncomfortable, it’s not doctrine, it’s sacrilegious, etc. I like to think of it not as any of those things but a perspective on what Andrew Lloyd Webber and Time Rice interpreted and what might have happened. I am excited to get into this story. It is in part from the perspective of Judas Iscariot. What I find great about this is that we get to be part of Jesus Christ’s life from Judas’s perspective in that he sees him as a superstar of the time and what happened his last week of life. Anytime regardless of what story is being told we as writers and story tellers get to delve into the head of our antagonist like Andrew Lloyd Webber and Time Rice did with Judas, Herod, Pilot, the apostles, Mary, and many other characters.

My three girls are 9, 13, and 17 what a great way to discuss as a family those who lived around Jesus and those who betrayed him as we with 2000 years of Christendom have under our religious belts. It’s easy to see the mistakes of peoples past but each of these characters did what they believe was right. Did those who played their part in Christ death really know what they were truly doing? Luke 23:34 “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

I believe that this is going to be a great show. I was cast as Andrew one of the apostles, Peter’s older brother.