My 2016 money making summer gig.

I started working for American Seal Coating last month, but Monday was my first day on the job. My friend, Dan Robinson, helped me “seal” the American Coating job early this April when we prepped the equipment, cleaned the work truck, built some side boards on the flatbed Dodge 3/4 ton, and made some wooden crates to hold the propane tanks in place.

Rubber Crackfill Oven

Rubber Crack Fill Oven

My first day was an eleven and half hour workday. We worked out front of the Bozeman Gap Outlet store for the first half of the day and then La Quinta Inn, also in Bozeman. If I had to take a guess I bet I walked about ten miles. I’d like one of those pedometers, maybe the birthday fairy/bunny/beaver will gift one to me – my birthday is this month. **hint, hint**

And I live in Livingston, Montana. **less subtle hint**

Mike Petry's Honda blower

Seal Coat Sprayer Bozeman, Montana

It’s one of those dirty jobs: rubber crack fill, black pitch sealer, and that ever-so-nice brush on the John Deere (the Skiddy) that lets all the dirt fly. I then clean the asphalt with the power Honda blower and my ninja skills, but only if the wind is blowing my way. If not then I look like a Gomer.

The Skiddy

All I’m going to say, and I can’t say this enough, if you want to get this Skiddy running make sure the parking brake is on. It’s all about the safety parking break. The key is nice too.

After the first few days of operating the Honda blower, for miles and miles, my body was hating it. I was sore in all the good places and some not so good places. Vicki suggested earlier this week that when I got home I should walk it off.

Bull crap.

I’m not going to walk anything off, already did that. The last walk from the work truck to my front door was more of a waddle to the stairs, where I hesitated as my knees screamed up the five steps to the front door. I gobbled down some pain meds and died.

Vic thinks she’s so funny.

My first week was a success. I wasn’t fired. and even though I’m still hobbling around, I know that it will get better.

Michael A Petry

I even have a smile here, albeit a sleepy one.