4M #8 Ryan Fights Andy

4M #8 Ryan Fights Andy In the early hours before school started in December of 1985 my mother took Dan, Kelly and I out to eat. We ate at Ma’s Place just down 112th where we grew up. This was a rare occasion and one that was a real treat. I ordered hotcakes with...

Seven Fold Editing

Seven Fold Editing. I’m totally pathetic and lame. It’s been three years since I finished the first draft. The Seven Fold editing process is now under way. When I finished I was so excited and pumped that I’d finished the first draft that I told...

Roundup Foundation

Roundup Foundation. This last summer I had the opportunity to start a new adventure in Roundup, Montana. This project intrigues me in that I have not done anything like it before. We will be working on a barn that will be made out of steel, not wood. Conventional...

Behind the Scenes of a Music Video

Behind the Scenes of a Music Video Last week I had the opportunity to help out with my first music video. Let me step back and go to late February. A few months ago I was over at a friend’s house for a party. Mary Kehoe and I were talking about doing cool...

Spring Cleanup

Spring Cleanup Spring means that I’ll be getting a text or call from Jodi Litchfield. It was a text asking if I was available to help with the two landscape islands on either side of Livingston’s I-90 underpass. Not to seem too eager I waited ten minutes...

4M #7 Stare Rank

4M #7 Stare Rank Sometimes I wonder if I should have been a Special Ed kid and when I look back on my early years and see words like jernal, sirvis, stare rank, fore and four both which are way out of context are also in the same sentence, and border review should...

4M #6 That Roo-und My Night

Mike’s Memory Monday Minutes #6 That Roo-und My Night At twelve I started to notice girls. But I wasn’t interested enough to spend time with them, talk to them, or anything really. I still liked my football, my forts, and friends too much to really give a...

Summer Gig 2016

My 2016 money making summer gig. I started working for American Seal Coating last month, but Monday was my first day on the job. My friend, Dan Robinson, helped me “seal” the American Coating job early this April when we prepped the equipment, cleaned the...

4M #5 Paper Masha Santa Clauses

Mike’s Memory Monday Minutes 4M #5 The great Paper Masha Santa Clauses. Ever since I was a little kid I’d wanted to do one of those paper mache Santa Claus boots that both my older brothers, Dale and Terry, had made. My mom would pull those boots out and...

4M #4: Ant Blows

Whoa, this is cool tubing! It whips around your head, around your legs, and smacks on the walls. What else can you do with such a cool piece of clear tiny tubing? “Hey, little brother, want to play the coolest game ever?” “What’s the...