Today in my ‘Writing for Life’ class with Kristine Backes, one of our prompt exercises was to pick some cards that depict something using our five senses mine was Pink Fuzzy Lint. What the hell?

This is what I wrote. We had eight minutes to complete and then share. I’m in a group of eight myself and seven ladies.

“How did it get there and why is it pink?” Pulling the small bunched up wad Ken lifted the fuzz to his nose. It smelled like an expensive cheese he couldn’t pronounce that he’d eaten at a wedding once. The pink fibers were wispy and long. Ken placed the group out on a table to inspected it. There was a mixture of cloth fabric, chest hair, and a pink fuzzy substance that turned out to be a long hair that was bunched up that looked like ratted hair. As I pulled it apart it was long and from a woman’s head. Then it came to me I’d seen Christy’s eccentric friend only from a distance. She had the same pink colored hair.

Okay where did that come from. I see it heading into a flash mystery.