This is my first Thursday blog post. I think I will share it with you. My name is Mike.

On January One I finished the fourth of six novels, Plague, in the Gone series by Michael Grant. I would categorize the series as a Young Adult (YA) Dystopian Sci-Fi Thriller, multiple character Point of View (POV) novel. I am loving this series.

Here are some of the reasons why, in my opinion, this is a great series. First of all – I have the mental capacity of an eighth grader and when the dome or Fallout Ally Youth Zone (FAYZ) (it’s what the kids inside the dome call it) pops into existence everyone over the age of 15 disappears.

The series is written from a multiple-character POV which gives the story a more epic feeling, in that you get to piggy back along with more than one or two characters, the good and the bad alike. The cool thing to me about multiple character POV is that as readers we gain empathy for more characters because we understand why they did what they did, and don’t just see them as flat good or bad characters – and there are some seriously bad kids in the FAYZ.

Michael Grant pushes the envelope on some tough topics that many authors shy away from this, in my opinion, is good writing.

I highly recommend this series; I’m flying through these books.