Critter Proof Gardening

A friend of mine wanted to install a garden. He lives out in the county on a chunk of land and was worried about bunnies, gophers, moles, deer, and birds eating for free. Free food is typically a pretty awesome thing when it benefits you, but when the wildlife take...

Opening Weekend

Last night was awesome. Each time I’m part of a performance I get nauseous without the puking part. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts I play Andrew one of the apostles in Jesus Christ Superstar. The cool thing about this show is that it’s a rock...

My Leap Day

I finished listening to Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin on Audible while working on my six by six table. I went to the Shane Center and worked with Russ, Dewy, and Alex on our set of Jesus Christ Superstar. Went to JC Superstar rehearsal had loads of fun. My...


When I was nineteen I lived in Puerto Rico as a missionary I think it must have been either November or December of 1992. We had super strict rules as to how we dressed, what we could do and not do and what our hair should look like. One rule no shaved heads, but...

A Bold Risk

What have you risked today? Surely not an episode on Amazon Prime, or the chair that your butt rests. Have you stopped that busy mindless task that consumes and hurls you towards that everlasting plateau that damns. Is it a risk to write, paint, sing, compose, or...

The Character Jesus Christ Superstar

My three daughters, my wife, and I made it into Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber here at the Shane Center in Livingston, Montana. This is one of those shows that scares people just for the fact that it touches on the life of Jesus Christ. Some friends...