4M #8 Ryan Fights Andy

4M #8 Ryan Fights Andy In the early hours before school started in December of 1985 my mother took Dan, Kelly and I out to eat. We ate at Ma’s Place just down 112th where we grew up. This was a rare occasion and one that was a real treat. I ordered hotcakes with...

Seven Fold Editing

Seven Fold Editing. I’m totally pathetic and lame. It’s been three years since I finished the first draft. The Seven Fold editing process is now under way. When I finished I was so excited and pumped that I’d finished the first draft that I told...

Roundup Foundation

Roundup Foundation. This last summer I had the opportunity to start a new adventure in Roundup, Montana. This project intrigues me in that I have not done anything like it before. We will be working on a barn that will be made out of steel, not wood. Conventional...

Behind the Scenes of a Music Video

Behind the Scenes of a Music Video Last week I had the opportunity to help out with my first music video. Let me step back and go to late February. A few months ago I was over at a friend’s house for a party. Mary Kehoe and I were talking about doing cool...

Spring Cleanup

Spring Cleanup Spring means that I’ll be getting a text or call from Jodi Litchfield. It was a text asking if I was available to help with the two landscape islands on either side of Livingston’s I-90 underpass. Not to seem too eager I waited ten minutes...