Whoa, this is cool tubing! It whips around your head, around your legs, and smacks on the walls. What else can you do with such a cool piece of clear tiny tubing?

“Hey, little brother, want to play the coolest game ever?”

“What’s the game?”

“First we need to find some ants. Can you help me?”

You run around the house at least three times before the little black sugar ants are located. The ants run and scurry away from you and your little brother pinching with thumb and forefinger.

“I got one.”

“Good job little brother, now can you get him to crawl around inside the tube?”

Little brother squints his eyes, ant in one, hand tube in the other as he surgically inserts the ant without damaging any legs.

“I couldn’t have done that any better, you’re great at that.”

“What should we do now?”

“Try to whip it out of the tube.”

Little brother whips and flings the tubing while you stand back and watch.

“Oh hey, let’s try this.”

You take one end of the tube while little brother holds the other. You inspect to see that the ant is closer to your end of the tubing.

“The game we’re going to play will show us who has the strongest lungs. You just had a birthday and I saw how hard you blew out your cake candles. I’m really no match for you but I’ll play anyways.”

“What do we do now?”

“You take the end of your tube, put it into your mouth, and we blow to see who gets the ant to the other person’s side.”


“On three. One.” Little brother concentrates, keeping good eye contact.

“Two.” Little brother hops around getting the blood flowing and takes a deep breath plunging the end of the tube into his mouth.


Little brother is blowing as hard as he can. His face is turning red with the effort. While you blow you hold the tip of your tongue at the end of the tubing. Little brother pulls away to take a deep breath, you see the window of opportunity and jet out a small, concentrated, quick gust. Little brother gags as he swallows the poor little sugar ant.